January 18, 2025
Possum Removal

Possums are the only species of marsupials that exist in North America. Possums are present in most of the United States except for the Rocky Mountains, western plains, and parts of the Northern Territory. They are native to Australia where you can not kill possums. When a possum attacks a house, you can not harm them in Australia. The most suitable method suggested by concerned authorities is catching possums in a cage and relocating them.

Possums are nocturnal animals that generally live alone. Although related to kangaroos, possums are slow-moving and emit an unpleasant odour when threatened. Due to their adaptable diet and reproductive behaviour, these wild animals can live in various conditions. Possum removal should be done by a professional for your safety. If you are also thinking about how to set a possum trap then continue reading this article.

What kind of animals are Possums?

Possums can reach a length of 40 inches, which is equivalent to that of a house cat. Possums have long, pointed faces, rounded, hairless ears, and a tail that resembles a rat’s. Possums have white or grey hairs all over their body. Females also have a pouch on their abdomen that possums can use to hold their babies.


Possums are nocturnal animals, which means possums are most active at night. When not actively breeding, these so-called solitary animals often live alone.

Possums are skilled swimmers. They can use their opposable hind thumbs and long tails to easily climb trees and other structures. Despite their preference for terrestrial travel, possums typically consume fruits, grains, and insects. But if given the opportunity, possums will also consume food from pet food bowls, compost piles, and garbage cans. Possums have also been seen eating fish, birds, and dead remains. Possums typically produce two to three cubs yearly. The young spend the first weeks of their life in their mother’s pouch, like other marsupials.

When searching for a home, they will look for pre-existing buildings such as garages, hollow logs, tree cavities, brush piles, or other animal burrows. Possums thrive in places near rivers or swamps but can also thrive in various habitats, including dry and wet forests and open plains. Possums seek habitats close to food and water.


Possums sometimes build messy nests in garages and attics. If possums can get inside the house, possums can potentially break insulation and ductwork. Possums can damage lawns when possums dig for food. Possums are truly capable of destroying chickens, game birds, and their nests. Possums have the ability to hiss when startled and bite their sharp fangs. Possums sometimes bite people if possums feel threatened.

Possums seem like ideal hosts for rabies, given their lifestyle choices, but possums rarely contract the disease and are very unlikely to spread it. Especially in cities, possums can be infested with fleas and mites.

Possums are known to “play possums” by acting like dead animals when threatened or hurt. Possums do this by arching their lips back, exposing their teeth, creating a foam of saliva around their mouths, and releasing a pungent substance from their anal glands. This behaviour is a normal Possum defence strategy, not a symptom of rabies. This may lead the viewer to believe that the Octum has rabies.

Possum Exclusion

  • Landlords should store waste in sealed containers with animal-proof lids, preferably in a closed shed, to prevent occupants from moving into a building. It’s a good idea to bring pet food bowls indoors at night to keep possums and other pesky critters from being attracted to them.
  • Other readily visible food and shelter supplies, such as piles of wood, logs, fallen berries, and fruit, should also be removed from the property. 
  • On a good day, look for holes and access points, such as a broken vent cap, on the outside of the house. Because possums are adept climbers and jumpers, tree branches hanging near the roof should be cut to restrict access to a home.

Contact a certified pest control specialist to inspect your home if you suspect possums may be present. Possum removal methods such as traps and fences are possible. A specialist can also provide other useful information.

How to set a possum trap:

Take a large steel cage

You will need a large steel cage trap, as Possums can reach the size of a large cat, which stands between two and three feet tall and weighs between four and 15 pounds. Raccoon trap is another name for these devices. Buy a cage 12 inches (0.305 m) high and 30 to 40 inches (0.762 to 1 m) long. A cage trap can be purchased at your local hardware store.

Place the trap where the Possum likes to roam

The trap should be placed as close to the Possum’s den as possible. However, place the trap in the area where you have seen the most activity or damage if you are unsure of the Possum’s den location, such as next to a trash can. Possums are nocturnal marsupials, so set the trap in a suitable location just before dark.

Set a trap

Possums are omnivorous, so just about any type of bait will work. Still, try to select baits that only attract possession and repel other creatures, such as cats. Baits that only attract possums include apples, fennel oil on bread, marshmallows, and other sweet bread.


Possum can be very frustrating and dangerous for your home. You must need a cage to trap them. Our shared information related to how to set a possum trap would be a help to you is our wish.